It allows users to trade without intermediaries, guarantees fair deals and security thanks to the architecture of smart-contracts and API of payment systems, which combines mobility and crossplatforming.
1 DEP = 0.000005 ETH
The platform will take the commission from the transaction amount of 1% and less. The size of the commission will depend on your level in the profile.
100% fair deal guarantee
Make deals, get for them DEP Tokens. Raise your level to get more DEP Tokens. Increase your rating so that there are more deals.
Own bank, which will pay remuneration and maintain the service. The bank will have the opportunity to buy and sell the cryptocurrency at a fixed price.
Just a few clicks and you have any currency what you want. It's easy, fast and will better, then use another application. Our blockchain help for everyone be safe and save money.
Fast. Security. Real
Our backend technology
Check you balance, buy new currency, sell everything everywhere. Our technologies always with you. We even work without internet. Any dates will save offline if you need it.
DEP - a unique application designed for the purchase and sale of crypto-currencies without intermediaries on the basis of smart contracts. Register, buy/sell or place an order, change the crypto currency for fiat money in any convenient way for you, and we will take care of security.
The commission depends on the amount of the transaction and varies from user level.
Level | Amount of deals | Commision |
1-10 | 1-50 | 1% |
10-20 | 50-100 | 0,8% |
20-30 | 100-150 | 0,6% |
30-40 | 150-200 | 0.4% |
40-50 | 300 | 0.2% |
Buy tokens right now. Get it in the first group!